Wow, what a great year.
And to top it all off, we’re about to hit 1200 fans on . As 1100 of you know and 100 of you are about to learn, every time we get 100 new fans on facebook, we declare Facebook Fan Fantasy Festival Party Time
or FFFFPT as it’s known on the streets
and we give out free stuff.
For this particular FFFFPT we thought we’d celebrate the recent licensing of our new by giving out FREE BEER!
Thanks, Dan Becker.
That’s right. As soon as you see us post an appropriate image to our page
say, something tasteful like this
or this
titled It’s FFFFPT 12! you’ll know it’s time to head on down to Gamma Ray Games and pick up your FREE BEER TICKET. While supplies last.
This offer not good on Panther Sweat.
We save that shit for Conan.