December 19, 2015 / by Eric

YES! We will be OPEN every day between now and Christmas! Including MONDAY! And! CHRISTMAS EVE!

But don’t worry! No employees will be harmed or even inconvenienced by our decision to do this because this Christmas Eve, shopkeep Eric will be coming in with his voluntary co-host Andrew to perform their Annual Holiday Show while Aric, Dominic and Rune are all safe and cozy in bed with dancing in their heads.

Yes, while the staff as the result of their highly questionable choices the night before, Andrew and Eric will be performing all of their classic holiday routines. Who knows, we may even have special guests!

Jake on kazoo, ladies and gentlemen!

Jake on kazoo, ladies and gentlemen!

There’ll be laughing, and dancing and festivities galore!

So whether you’re looking for a last minute prewrapped white elephant or secret santa gift, dropping off used games for our annual Treehouse Game Drive or just coming by to buy a great game for a gift or to play with your friends or relatives this Christmas, come on by, any time, for the next 7 days and we’ll be here for you.

December 17, 2015 / by Eric

Every Christmas for the past… oh… seven years or so, we’ve partnered with the Treehouse Wearhouse to provide FREE NEW GAMES AND TOYS to Seattle area foster kids and their families during the holiday season. It’s something I’m very personally proud of and I’m happy to be doing it again this year.

we ask that you bring in your old, games, toys and collectibles to us between now and December 22nd. We actually take these used items and sell them. Then we take the money raised from those sales to buy new items from ourselves at steep discounts that we then give, for free, to the Treehouse Wearhouse.

I explain this carefully, using a lot of commas and italics, because last year we had a large number of wonderful, well-meaning people get confused, buy used games from Value Village and then drop them off directly with us. That actually doesn’t work very well because we don’t give the kids used games (they can go to Value Village themselves for that), we buy them new games with the monies that we raise from the projected sales of the donated games (and frankly, used kids games from Value Village really just don’t have very much of a resale value on the open market.)

Like I said before, just bring in your old games, toys and collectibles. The ones that you already have sitting around in your closet. Then we’ll sell them and use the proceeds to buy the kids new games.

It’s JUST THAT EASY. At least for you. You get a clean game closet just before Christmas (you see what we did just there together?), we get a bunch of fun used games to sell in 2016, and Seattle’s foster kids and their families get great free hand-selected family games for their Christmas.

And say, did I mention that we also have a great selection of new and used games, toys and collectibles for all of your holiday shopping needs this season as well?

So come on down, donate some used games, pick up some new or used games, take advantage of our amazing free wrapping system (when available, time permitting) and make a difference in your community all in one fell swoop. You’ll have a great time and be glad that you did.

December 17, 2015 / by Eric

Tonight! Thursday, December 17th, at 8pm (7:30 if you actually want seats, 6:30 if you want dinner) at the ever exciting Raygun Lounge it’s…



Birthday girl Kelly Young!

Santa kissing booth with Mr. T.

And shopkeep Eric Logan as Fezziwig in .*

*At least two of the three appearances listed here are actually real.


Live Kazoo Music! Celebrity Podcasters! Silly hats! Prizes! Geeky Trivia!

It’s all FREE!**

**But drink some beer and eat some nachos anyway, you cheap bastards. It’s how we pay the rent on those tables you sit at.

December 09, 2015 / by Eric

We get it. You work with nerds. Geeks. Dorks. And they’re wonderful people. They really are. But you can’t understand a word that they’re saying. And now you’ve just been assigned one in the Secret Santa raffle and you know nothing about the interests on their list.


Because we’ve got you TOTALLY COVERED. We’ve got a whole stack of beautifully prewrapped gifts.

Oh so wonderful.

oh so beautifully

All labeled by themes (including such subjects on your list as “Star Wars,” “Dungeons & Dragons” and “The Rocky Horror Picture Show”!) clearly priced to fit within your proscribed Secret Santa budget! Yes we do!


We get it. You yourself are one of those superior people sometimes referred to as nerds, geeks or dorks. And you’re on your way to a work, family or friend White Elephant gift exchange. But you’re late! Oh so late! And you need a sweet wonderfully prewrapped gift!

so wonderfully wrapped

We’ve got them! In preselected themes that you yourself are interested in (like “Warrior Princesses,” “Pretty Pretty Ponies,” AND “Magic, the Gathering”)! All clearly priced to fit within your proscribed White Elephant budget!


Some come on down and check out our sweet, sweet prewrapped holiday wares for all of your last minute Secret Santa and White Elephant gift buying needs. You’ll be THRILLED that you did!