April 07, 2015 / by Eric

2015 is turning out to be the best year ever and we’re going to celebrate it with you at every turn we get. Starting with bringing back FFFPT!

Or Facebook Fan Festival Party Time as it’s known on “the streets.”

You feel me?

You feel me?

Yeah you do.

You feel me.

Stay in school.

Stay in school!

That’s right. The moment that hits 1900 likes, I do a special dance,

and I hand out FREE T-SHIRTS to the first 19 unsuspecting people that walk through the door.

Mailman! Free shirt. Lady with a baby who wants to use the bathroom. Free shirts. For both of you. Baby gets a mens small. He’ll grow into it. Pee Wee Herman? What are you doing here? Free Shirt. Also mens small because… you’ll look great. Really. Just go with me on this. Whoa! Not that far, Pee Wee! My god, man! Decorum. You, walking in unexpectedly on Pee Wee and I, “lalalalala,” FREE SHIRT.

It’s just that goddamn easy! Free shirts for everybody forever!*


*First 19 people to walk through the door only, don’t listen to Eric when he gets like this. The breakfast cereal will wear off soon. -Amy

January 01, 2013 / by Eric

Wow, what a great year.

And to top it all off, we’re about to hit 1200 fans on . As 1100 of you know and 100 of you are about to learn, every time we get 100 new fans on facebook, we declare Facebook Fan Fantasy Festival Party Time

or FFFFPT as it’s known on the streets

and we give out free stuff.

For this particular FFFFPT we thought we’d celebrate the recent licensing of our new by giving out FREE BEER!

Thanks, Dan Becker.

That’s right. As soon as you see us post an appropriate image to our page

say, something tasteful like this

or this

titled It’s FFFFPT 12! you’ll know it’s time to head on down to Gamma Ray Games and pick up your FREE BEER TICKET. While supplies last.

This offer not good on Panther Sweat.

We save that shit for Conan.

October 04, 2012 / by Eric

Wow! Is it that time again already?

No. Yeah. Well… maybe. I dunno that seems pretty cool anytime actually.

No it’s almost time to


What the hell is FFFFPT 11? Well, as I discussed way back at FFFFPT 10, FFFFPT is where we celebrate getting 100 more fans on facebook. Hence it’s name, Facebook Fan Fantasy Festival Party Time!

I know. I know. It gets me every time too.

So how’s it work? Well, as soon as we hit 1100 fans (we’re at 1096 as of 5 minutes ago), I post a suitably sensible image with the caption FFFFFPT 11! Then we declare some kind of ridiculous sale. Like the one we had last time where we said, “buy 1 new game, get a second new game for half off and get a third preowned game for absolutely free.” That was a good one. Yeah. You know what? To hell with it. Let’s do it again!

As soon as we declare FFFFPT 11, it’ll be buy one game, get a second one half off and a third one absolutely free. While supplies last. Or until we get bored. Or surly. Somebody’d better go tell Jake and Gordie about this. I’ve gotta go, we’ve got a lot of work to do and I need to decide if I’m going to dress up as Salvador Dali or a velociraptor. I wonder what Gordie’s going to dress up as?

I’ll see you soon,


July 28, 2012 / by Eric

Way back in… a long time ago… we hit our first 100 fans and decided to throw a spontaneous in-store giveaway party that we ever-so-wittily titled Facebook Fan Fantasy Festival Party Time (or FFFFPT for short). We had a lot of fun with it so we’ve thrown one for every 100 new fans ever since.

Every FFFPT is a little different. Sometimes we give things away, sometimes we give out discounts, sometimes we make them available to the first FB fans to identify themselves as such, sometimes we make them available for a limited time. However they work, they’re all triggered and announced the moment that we hit our next 100 fans.

As of this moment, we are 7 fans away from hitting 1,000 facebook fans, an event so momentous, so epic, that we’re calling it FFFFPT X.

And given how much interest and excitement our is generating, we’re probably going to hit it within the next few days. So keep your eyes out for a facebook post announcing FFFFPT X. You’ll know it when you see it because it will be attached to an image like this:

When you see it, get dressed appropriately,

and come on down to Gamma Ray Games for our FFFFPT X deal:

Buy 1 game and get a 2nd one of equal or lesser value for 50% off. If the combined cost of that purchase is $50 or more, select any one of our high quality pre-owned games for absolutely FREE. That’s a total of 3 games for half off!

That’s a deal right there!

See you all there!

Once it actually starts. While supplies last.